CEO’s message

Space business has become a daily topic in newspapers, magazines, and other media, leading to an increasing interest. However, we also frequently hear voices like:

"I'm interested in space, but I don't know how to enter the field."

"With so many problems on Earth, what's the point of venturing into space?"

I have a unique background, starting my journey into Space business development while being involved with international organizations promoting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This has led me to consistently consider how to align space endeavors with SDGs when venturing into Space businesses. In 2020, I studied at the International Space University, focusing on the theme of employing Space-originated technologies to prevent the pandemic caused by viruses, including the new coronavirus, which was the most pressing global issue at that time. Through this experience, I came to recognize that a multitude of Space-originated technologies are already being applied to address challenges on Earth. This realization instilled in me a firm belief that the technologies and knowledge stemming from Space can be harnessed to tackle Earth's problems, further motivating me to advocate for the value of the intersection between Space and sustainability. To advance this endeavor even more, I established "Cross Space & Sustainability LLC" in April of this year.

If you are someone looking to venture into Space as a business, curious about how space can benefit our society, or facing challenges in launching a new business and expanding internationally, please feel free to reach out to me.

Cross Space & Sustainability, LLC
Satoru Cross (Kurosu), CEO

Since 1983, I have been involved in overseas business development, marketing, business planning, development, and management at Yokogawa Electric Corporation. Utilizing B2B (industrial materials) marketing strategies, I contributed to expanding the overseas sales ratio to approximately 70%. In 2009, I received the award at the 1st Japan Marketing Awards for "BtoB Branding." I was stationed in the Netherlands and Singapore.

My involvement in promoting sustainability began in 2017 when I became a Council Member of WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development), and I served as the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) from 2019 until March 2023. Until March 2019, I also held the position of Director, Executive Vice President at the company.

In April 2019, my journey into Space business development started with participation in the Executive Space Course at the International Space University (ISU).

In July 2020, I studied in the ISU Interactive Space Program (ISP20), which focused on utilizing Space-originated technologies to prevent pandemics, given its transition to an online format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was during this program that I became aware of various technologies originating from Space that contribute to achieving SDGs on Earth, inspiring me to begin promoting their value.

In July 2021, I established Yokogawa Electric Corporation's first dedicated organization for Space business, Space Business Development Office. Since then, we have been involved in multiple national-level projects.

In December 2022, I conducted a lecture titled "Space & SDGs - Space businesses for societal needs" at the University of Tokyo.

In April 2023, I became the Executive Mentor of Space Business Development Office and founded Cross Space & Sustainability, LLC.

In April 2023, I conducted the lecture on "Space & SDGs - Space businesses for societal needs" at the International Space University Master Class in Strasbourg, France.

In July 2023, I gave the lecture titled "How UNISEC can contribute to the Sustainability of the Earth" at the UNISEC 20th anniversary event.

In Sept. 2023, I conducted the lecture titled "Accelerating the contribution to SDGs in Asia Pasific" at APRSAF (Asia Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum) in Jakarta, Indonesia.

In Oct. 2023, I gave the lecture titled "Space-enabled Yokogawa solutions to contribute to SDGs" at the 67th Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences Conference in Toyama.

In Oct. 2023, I gave the lecture titled "Introduction to Yokogawa Space Business Development and Water Loss Management System in Thailand".

In Dec. 2023, I gave the lecture titled "Space x Sustainability -Solving Global Issues through New Value Creation" at Nikkei SDGs Festival, Space Project Forum.

In Jan. 2024, I conducted the lecture titled "Space & SDGs - Space businesses for societal needs" at the University of Tokyo.

In Mar. 2024, I conducted the lecture titled "Space - the first and last chance to enter as a new business" at the 19th New Business Development Ledders Forum.

In May 2024, I gave the lecture titled "Space Development and SDGs" at Gakushuin University.

In June 2024, I conducted the lecture titled "Space to achieve SDGs -Develop Space-enabled Solutions for Sustainability on the Earth" at the Elective Workshop of Space Study Program 2024 organized by International Space University, hosted by Rice University and NAS Johnson Space Center in Houston.

In July 2024, I conducted a seminar at the Japan Planning Institute (JPI) titled "Space x SDGs: Introduction to Space-enabled Solutions for Addressing Challenges on Earth, Including Examples from Yokogawa Electric."

In August 2024, I participated as a panelist in the E&E TALK EVENT "Space x Environment & Energy with Student Organizations," hosted by CIC Tokyo.

In September 2024, I participated as a panelist in the panel discussion "The Advent of the Space Age: How to Face Changes in Body, Mind, and Society," hosted by the Space Development Forum.

I am also involved in various positions, including:

  • Executive Mentor, Space Business Development Office, Yokogawa Electric Co. Ltd.
  • Board Member, Moon Village Association
  • Supporter, crossU, the open innovation platform for Space Business
  • International Committee Advisory Board Member, University Space Engineering Consortium (UNISEC)
  • Board Member, Japan Marketing Society (2021-2023: Executive Board Member)
  • Keio Engineering Society Board Member (2020-2023)
  • WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development) Council Member (2017-2023)
  • BCTI (Business Commission to Tackle Inequality) Commissioner (2021-2023)

Academic Background
1983: Bachelor's degree in Economics from Keio University
2006: INSEAD Advanced Industrial Marketing Strategy
2007: Tama University Renaissance Center (Liberal Arts Business School)
(Studied environmental issues on Earth and conducting on-site investigations at the Aral Sea in Uzbekistan, considered one of the most significant environmental devastations on the planet due to its ongoing depletion.)
2016: INSEAD M&A and Corporate Strategy
2019: International Space University Executive Space Course
2020: International Space University Interactive Space Program

Title: "The Future of Business Fostered by SDGs"
Authors: Masahiro Mizuno and Yutaka Hara
Published by: Impress Corporation (2020)
Contribution to Chapter 05 "Learning from Case Studies: SDGs x Business": "Realizing a Resource Circulating Society through the Power of Energy"

"Research and Intellectual Property Strategies for Latecomers to 'Win' and How to Explain and Persuade Management" Technical Information Institute (2024) Chapter 10, Section 6: "Entering the Space-Related Business Utilizing In-House Technology and Future Prospects"

"Architectural Informatics Society White Paper 2023-2024" Architectural Informatics Society (2024) Part 2: "Space x SDGs — Solving Problems through Information from Space"

International Space University Interactive Space Program 2020 Crew Members, Utilizing space-enabled capabilities for the mitigation of COVID-19 and future pandemics, International Space University, 2020

Satoru Kurosu, Takuya Azuma, Yukihiro Uchida, SDGs and Space at Yokogawa: Expanding Space Business through SDGs, 65th Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences Conference, 2021

Satoru Kurosu, Takuya Azuma, Yukihiro Uchida, Keisuke Shinpuku, Soichiro Konada, Yokogawa's Solutions for Harnessing Space for SDGs - From Remote Sensing and ISS Life Science to Circular Economy on the Moon, 66th Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences Conference, 2022

Satoru Kurosu, Takuya Azuma, Yukihiro Uchida, Soichiro Konada, Akihiro Murata, Keiko Mizuno, Kazuyuki Morii, Yokogawa’s Solutions for Harnessing Space for SDGs - From Remote Sensing and ISS Life Science to Environmental Control for Circular Economy on the Moon, 67th Space Science and Technology Union Conference, 2023

Company Overview

Company NameCross Space & Sustainability, LLC
CEOSatoru Cross (Kurosu)
EstablishedApril 3, 2023
LocationUrawa-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan
BankSumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Omiya Branch
Business DescriptionSpace Business Development and Sustainability (Realization of a Sustainable Society) including the following:

1) Consulting services
2) Lecturer for seminars, conferences, and education, etc.
3) Writing books, publications, electronic publications, etc.